Golden Hours | Online Customer Advisory Boards

Some people are put off when their colleagues send them emails in the middle of the night. How could someone possibly be on their game at that hour? The truth is that different people have different “golden hours” — times of the day they’re at their best. By moving your advisory board onto the Impetus InSite Platform®, your board members can contribute to your efforts when they’re at their best, whenever that is.

Asynchronous Communication

If you’ve been reading our blogs, you’ve seen this term come up a lot. Asynchronous communication is the ability to contribute to a thread or conversation on your own time. Email is the best example of asynchronous communication — you receive an email and respond when you can, and the person who sent it knows not to expect a reply right away — it could be an hour, it could be a day. This is different from synchronous communication, which involves people talking together in a shared time or space, like a live meeting.

The Impetus InSite Platform® is an asynchronous communication tool your advisors can jump into during their Golden Hours. If that’s three in the morning, so be it. When other members’ Golden Hours come around, they’ll see what was posted and can reply in kind.

Pressure-free Communication

Over the years, we’ve worked with board members who have definite value to add but have trouble adding it in a big group. With the Impetus InSite Platform®, they can contribute when they’re good and ready from wherever they are. If they think best in a park or in bed or from their office, they can take themselves there, log on and jump in.

By giving your advisors the freedom to contribute when they’re at their best, your board will be better off for it.
