Female Health Care Provider Attending a Virtual Meeting

Considerations for Planning Effective and Appealing Advisory Boards: Importance of Participant Preferences

Pharmaceutical advisory boards and other small-group meetings with health care providers (HCPs) are important for getting feedback on new clinical trial results, competitors’ products, or educational campaigns. However, they are typically expensive and require participants to travel long distances and take time away from their work and…

Online Investigator Meetings: A Customer Story

folder_openClinical Trials, Customer Stories, Patient Engagement
Our client leveraged Impetus Digital’s virtual solutions to hold a series of investigator meetings and streamline their multicenter Phase III clinical trial. Using a mix of synchronous and asynchronous virtual touchpoints, as well as an online Investigator Community Board, Impetus facilitated ongoing collaboration, best practice-sharing, and problem-solving,…

Sustainable Meetings Best Practices Infographic

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Download our infographic on sustainable meeting practices in the life sciences industry. Learn how virtual meetings reduce environmental impact and save costs while maintaining high-quality engagement. Perfect for professionals seeking eco-friendly solutions. Visit our blog for more insights! ↓ Download Infographic Close Download: Infographic Click here to…
A patient undergoing cancer therapy looking at a tablet, accessing digital tools to help with their cancer journey

Navigating the rapidly changing oncology treatment landscape: how digital tools can help

A version of this article was previously published in the Journal of mHealth. The field of oncology is rapidly growing and evolving. In 2022, global spending on cancer medicines was approximately 196 billion USD, and this number is forecasted to reach $375 billion by 2027. In fact, for…