Using the Impetus InSite Platform® for Other Learning Activities (OLAs)

A Customer Success Story

Using the Impetus InSite Platform® for Other Learning Activities (OLAs)

In this customer success story, we summarize the outcomes from a series of other learning activities (“OLA”) touchpoints conducted by one of our dermatology clients and executed by Impetus. All in all, 100 participants were engaged over three online touchpoints, stretching from early November to the end of December, 2018.

In the first touchpoint, the participants were presented with a number of clinical and real-world studies on the client’s product and its comparators, and asked several questions related to the findings of these studies using the platform’s interactive discussion forum. Following up on these discussions, in the second touchpoint, three online case studies were used to illustrate different treatment approaches using the product and comparators for various indications. Finally, in the third and last touchpoint, a real-time webinar was conducted to summarize the previous touchpoints and discuss ongoing and future clinical and real-world studies.

Compared to in-person events, the cost savings for our client of moving all activities online were over 80%. In addition, the participants remained highly engaged over all three activities and reported high satisfaction in terms of the overall OLA experience. Use the Download PDF button above to view the full case study and learn more about how the Impetus InSite Platform® can be leveraged for providing medical education and OLA.

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Impetus Digital helps clients share and co-create with their key stakeholders using best-in-class collaboration, project management, and reporting tools. The Impetus InSite Platform® is ideal for creating engaging conversations on a variety of topics, including medical education. Connect with us today to visualize how the Impetus solution can elevate your HCP engagement!
